37th Annual Kelso-Longview Leadership Prayer Summit
Dear Leader, please make your plans to join other Christian leaders from our community for our 37th Annual Kelso-Longview Leadership Prayer Summit May 19th-22nd at Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center. Our annual summit reflects the Lord’s call for all area leaders in the Body of Christ to be encouraged to attend. For leaders who cannot take the entire time off, please focus on the Tuesday lunch through Wednesday lunch partial-stay option. We understand the time constraints you may be under.
God is moving in our midst! While the challenges of life and ministry in our community can be daunting, many leaders are praying in anticipation of a powerful move of God. Our call at Cannon Beach is to come together before the throne of grace in expectation of what the Lord will do! We expect times of personal refreshment and ministry to one another and trust God to reveal His purposes for us in the coming year.
We know your schedule is full! (isn’t it always!?!) But... let’s hear the Lord’s call to come away, together with Him, away from the daily pressures of ministry and draw together in His presence and seek His season of refreshment and vision... together!
We look forward to seeing you at the beach!
Jeff Hoover & Mark Schmutz
Your Servant Leadership Team
Holiness… Humility… Unity…
and Community…
…Community Impact!
You are invited... to join area ministry leaders to meet with God through this, our 37th Annual Kelso-Longview Leadership Prayer Summit. We open the invitation to all those who are serving in leadership in our community. Spouses are also welcome to join us!
A Prayer Summit is a prolonged, four-day, life-changing worship experience attended by a diversity of Christian leaders from specific geographic communities whose single purpose is to seek God, His Kingdom, and His righteousness with the expectation that He will create and guide them through a humbling, healing, uniting process which will lead them to a unity of heart, mind, and mission and will qualify them for the blessings of God!
Participants are ministry leaders from the Kelso-Longview area. This includes both men, women, and couples. Key church leaders are encouraged to participate—please invite them! We’re staying right on the beach at the beautiful Pacific View Lodge!!!
Our ultimate goal is community impact. The Prayer Summit is the place where we come together to seek the Lord. In His presence we experience His holiness; this leads us to humility, which draws us powerfully together in unity; from the place of that unity, we can more effectively lead toward community- congregations and ministries connected in Christ, who together are mobilized by the hand of God to make community impact in our region for the King of Kings!
Experience a new view…together!
LOCATION: The Summit begins at 8:30am sharp on Monday, May 19- we will stop for coffee on the way! The travel time is part of the 4-day experience concluding Thursday afternoon; we return to Longview around 2pm. We meet in the Pacific View Lodge at the Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center in Cannon Beach, Oregon.
TRANSPORTATION: will be arranged by carpooling from the Northlake Church parking lot.
Let us know if you can drive by marking the registration form in the appropriate place.
For further information please call Mark Schmutz at (360)423-3805.
DEPARTURE SITE - 8:30am Monday, May 19
Northlake Church
2614 Ocean Beach Hwy
Longview, WA 98632
WHAT TO BRING: Prayer Summits are informal, so dress casually. There will be an opportunity for you to walk the grounds and beach so bring appropriate clothing. There is also a gym for your use. Bedding and towels are provided. Bring your Bible, personal items and a hungry heart to seek the Lord. The conference center has a snack shop and bookstore, and Cannon Beach has a great coffee and gift shops— so bring money for anticipated expenses.
COST: full summit is $275; partial stay is $110
This includes all meals at the conference center (from Monday lunch through Thursday breakfast) and three nights lodging. If you need financial assistance, please indicate that on the registration form. Partial stays are limited to Tuesday lunch through Wednesday lunch with overnight lodging.
PARTIAL STAYS: Tuesday lunch through Wednesday lunch is the Partial-Stay Option. Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center is asking that we only offer two options for participants: Full-Time or Partial-Stay (begins with lunch Tuesday, dinner, overnight accommodations, then breakfast and lunch on Wednesday). Anything over this window of time will be charged the full-time rate.
The Servant-Leader Team will be facilitating our summit. The full summit experience is only $275 for 3 nights and 9 meals (lunch Monday through breakfast Thursday). Partial-Stay option is $110.
We will pray and respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Each evening we will share in communion.
We all take our meals together at the Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center.
Please fill out the form below to register. After the form is submitted you will be redirected to the Northlake Giving website where you can submit you payment under the category “Prayer Summit 2025”. The cost is $275 for the full summit or $110 for the partial stay option. If you need financial assistance, please indicate that below on the form.
Special Dietary Needs: Complete a request form at www.cbcc.net/special-diets-1/ and add $10.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make checks payable to Northlake Church and mail them to 2614 Ocean Beach Hwy, Longview, WA 98632 or drop them by the Church office. Office hours are Monday-Thursday from 8am-12pm or there is a locked mailbox out front where you can drop your envelope at any time.